Dear readers,
Thank you so very much for all of your loyalty and comments over the past six months as we've made our way through this first (but certainly not the last!) round of stories here at Truly Madly Deeply Romance Authors! As you may have noticed, we've had a bit of a gap in our posting schedule as we near the end of the round, but it's nothing to worry about. there are still wonderful stories yet to come!
Here's a preview, in fact:
July 23 - Angela Kay Austin brings us "Love All Over Me"
July 30 - Myla Jackson brings us "Our Song"
And there's even a FREE READ scheduled for August, too!
Once this round is done, we'll be taking a little bit of a "Summer Vacation" here at TMDRA while we get ready to bring you a whole new batch of fantastical stories for another six months! There will be love! Magic! Mayhem!
And, of course, a whole new giveaway!
In the meantime, we'll be posting treats here so you know we haven't forgotten about you all, but of course we could never do that. :)
So stay tuned, and thank you so much for being you! We'll return soon with more wonderful stories of truly, madly, deeply romantic lovers!
Your Authors